Friday, 22 August 2008

some news from the fair trade front

why not put some additions to this sleepy blog? seen that we are over the hump and aire and i have exemplary send our interim a few more weeks to fly by before we will fly home.

we've been rummaging a lot within the fair trade mafia and the confusions of a complicated system throughout the last few weeks. all in the name of the pricing study of course. for some clarification and first hand hard facts we even took a trip to the veld and talked to farmers - an enlightening though (waiting-)time consuming business.

back and armed with lots of insights, it was time to put together the final study, which unfortunately wasn't our task but the one of a well, let's put it that way, extraordinary consultant. result: 'unheard voices' - 50 pages of sheer entertainment and a good script for rooibos - the movie. since our contacts to reputable screen directors were rather scarce, we are now sitting on an abridged version whereas the director's cut is under revision. sounds blurry? it is. but a fabulous experience concerning NGO-work, diplomacy and fundings.

next week, it'll be another trip to Niewoudtville for the highly anticipated home days: 3 days of team building exercises with the EMG staff, one wild flower party in Niewoudtville and the entire staff being exposed to my cooking skills. this gotta be good!!!

to conclude with some more straightforward issues: part of the glen-team has had their own teambuilding exercise last week by climbing THE MOUNTAIN. up and down! no touristy shortcuts via the horrendously expensive cable way! 8 hours of sweat, pain and paths that sometimes had to be identified by stumbling and trying. under the south african sun - the weather update from my side predicts the end of winter has passed and we are heading straight into spring.

one small note to the european audience: check your fair traded rooibos before buying! search for the names of wupperthal or heiveld - this is the only small farmer produced ones - and there is large plantation fair trade rooibos in the market corrupting fair trade principles! if in doubt, consult the resellers website or your local world shop staff.

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